Lupin is a famous French drama series that is based on crime thrillers, mystery suspense, and action drama. The streaming drama series was released in January 2021 on Netflix and there has been one season with five blockbuster episodes. The remaining of the series will be released in the mid of the year.
This Lupin Claire Tan Brown Double-Breasted Cotton Trench Coat is an imitation of the coat that Claire wore in the Lupin TV-Series. In the series, Claire is the wife of Assane and the mother of Raoul. Claire is Assane’s ex-girlfriend. Even though Assane tries to give them attention, Claire still worries that something is wrong with Assane. Even though Claire has broken-up with Assane, she still cares about him. In the end, Claire’s reconciles with Assane before realizing that Raoul is missing. Ludivine Sagnier played the role of Claire.