Undoing is a popular drama series based on the psychological thriller genre, featuring Nicole Kidman and Hugh Grant, two of the finest performers of our day.
They're portraying a happy couple that has everything they want. To live the ideal life, with everything one might wish at their disposal. All of the components that need to be in a complex, advanced play like Endowing have been carefully considered by the directors and choreographers. One feature that has piqued the audience's interest is the clothing, particularly the beautiful coats and jackets worn by both Nicole Kidman and Grace Fraser red velvet coats in separate episodes. Nicole Kidman's elegant freezer coat, the Undoing Nicole Kidman Coat, is a beautiful coat worn by Nicole Kidman. The coat is made of velvet and has a notched collar, as well as a belt fastening and a great inside viscose layer. The coat's hem cuffs are open. The coat is a stunning crimson with a gleaming sheen that is a visual delight.